Services A-La Carte
2 Hours (incl 5 retouches)...$250
Half Day (4 Hours)................$400
Full Day (6 Hours)................$600
Hair & Make-UP (W).......................$175+
Hair & Make-UP (W) ......................$ 75+
3 Retouched Images ........................$30
5 Retouched Images ........................$50
High Resolution CD..........................$50
Wardrobe Styling(Per Look)..........$100+
Please click here for a list of approved vendors.
Other Services
Studio/Location Rental
From time to time, good old sunshine will not suffice when it comes to setting the tone for your imagery. In times like these, we will need to rent a studio or space. You will either pay the studio directly, or I can charge you as a part of your package. I will never ask you to pay more for a studio then what the venue charges. The list below includes studios that I have had the pleasure of working with before, and know to be a great place to make magic. If none of these suit your needs then I will gladly make other arrangements.
$=inexpensive $$=midrange $$=pricy but worth it
3 Retouched Images................$30
5 Retouched Images................$50
10 Retouched Images..............$90